Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ojai part 2

Got to the market.. feel frustrated. go back to the van to change clothes super warm outside.
oups smoke a bit to help with how I feel.... without medication and with my hurting leg and the purge still going on just a little bit :) ( everything is good in the purge and I almost never crave for sugar or any kind of food. feel gross by the sugar now) .
go back to play music and meet back the 3 guys. Austin.Josh and Tim. <3 yeah
Talk for a while :) happy to see them!
play music. chill around. so tired.
decide to go for a nap in the van. so good. :)
eat some food with austin. meet up everybody and decide to go to their campgroud up in the mountain for the night =)
Show up there it's beauty .silence. and cold. fire play music cook. life is good.
had great conversation with another guy that had travel the world and he start crying about his old best friends .. long story but it remember me how much we are all humain.
we all laught. we all cry. we all wake up cranky sometimes or too happy some other morning. we all go to pooh and all need love.
Josh show us his treasure... awww he has a lot of beauty rocks and things. gave us one each + I got Donatello in mini hihhaaaaa!. i have the power of the tortue Ninja now!

The morning was cold and wet. but it was good to wake up with the melody of the rain on the van.
Today is a big day. I need my medicAtion. no excuses. as my brain began to play with me ... addict to my medication I've been not given it properly  for like 5 days now..
I'm cold/ warm/ sweaty for no reason. I got happy/sad/meallow/pissed off for no reason
 I got dizzy/ headhacke for no reason..... shit eheh. and I have good friends that help me out! thanks!
So find a clinic that is suposely the best around... go there... no appointment .. no availability today.. need to come back latter... blablabla./.. took all day and finally had to see a doctor at like 4h pm :)
stress hope it's going to be find! My plan: see him for my pain at my leg and ask at the end if he can prescribe without letting the insurance know...
Funny thing: so got in the doctor's office.. waitting for him to come..
He show up and keep asking me if it's my first time here and where I am from as I am familiar to him...
I personaly dont recognize him at all.... He said: aw wait a minute. you play music right? ukulele and you are traveling with friends?
- Awkward I dont remember him at alll haha so I said: yes.... ?
- I've seen you maybe 1 month ago.. in the street in L.a. a friday night I was out with my asiatic friends and you let me play on your ukulele.
Now I remember nbut it took me 2 weeks to realise who he was...
good thing tho as he gave me 3 months of half-dose of my medication... as I'm going to try to stop... slowly but safely.

Good thing done!
we go to the library meet everybody and go on an hurry to the Hot Springs to meet with Kelly and her mom/ sister... she is visiting from L.A. so we are all really happy to see her!
Got there it's dark already..

Santa Barbara

On the road again. try to find an doctor that Betty refer us... he changed clinic.. 3000000 calls latter we show up at the new good place... it's close . closed at like noon.
jmecrapoutie au sol. crying of desperation.
but after feel good. the stress is out. I should survive 2 more days.. as tomorrow is Sunday so will go to monday.. but I have good friend that are going to assist me.
We played aki-sac. and this guy show up. told us our life and play aki with us. was great haha. gave us a new aki. found some veggie oil. filter the oil.
Bashu made us laugh a lot. playing with words with an old man.

Drive to a farm the guys have been before... but it's too late.. ends up to be dinner time.. so we just stop buy some yummy organic food and had a pic-nic  =)  met Julian ( the guys knew him he works at the farm and will be around at farmer's market!)
Decided to find a Whole food to go busk.
Security Agent had a powertrip after Bashu,. no reason. really sucks and made us think a lot.
drive to santa-barbara. downtown.
start busking.. it's friday night. bars night... we dont really know the good music for busking at night.
Busking experience advice:
Be sure to be well dress.
Means that when you busk if you want to make money you have to play the good songs at the good place at the good peoples. we play what we like at farmers market and it works. but at night when people are drunk you need to sing stupid shit that everybody know to get their attention,...
practice/busk in an arch of a closed store.
met those 3 guys. pushing us to show them what we got. did a crazy jam. funny.
they are about to leave but they cameback and invite us to come over to the house of the oldest one maybe 35-38?!.. and the others 28 and 22. invite us to jam and have showers and sleep there.
They will comeback in an hour. Deal.

They camebackdrunk. from the bar an hour after haha and we all drive to their place. they bought beers haha.
It's a pretty big house. he lives there with his son and Lambo. the other guy.
They played electric guitar and drum and made a fire in the fireplace. there is this big amazing  big dog. super nice.
animals are soo good. Go smoke with lambo in his room. great conversation. nice guy.
Big fatty with ash.. ehehehhe. but I didnt drink for the purge! proud. just one beer...huhu
He gave me a lot of weed ( but I forgot it on his table and the door was lock when I wake up and we left..)
talk about life. love. expectation of people. told me part of his life. dreams.believes. really interesting.
show me all the surfs the have. woh. makes me dream.
putting all my energy hoping to surf soon. hopefully. man I need to surf at least one time in Californie. As soon as my leg feel better! I dont know how but Im going to surf.
He want to go around the world in a submarine.
after super high... shower :) wow.
his boy is there with his friend. he is like 15. funny they play music and went to bed. I play ukulele next to the fireplace. to bashu to fall asleep. made Steve ( the owner of the house) cry as I remind him an old friend playing ukulele while cannot trip.
It's raining outside.
try to fall asleep on the couch.. so not comfy.. nowhere else to slip.. fuck. stay awake almost all night. my leg is so pain. so much pain. my psoas is fucked...and muscle around my hip/leg.. have been taking advils since few days.. doesnt go away..

Finally the morning show up.  did laundry.
write a note to the guys <3 gave them a treasure and we left driving to the farmers market of santa barbara
Met Dan popular traveler. my haunt knows him. PLay music.
this little boy hyperactive start dancing with us playing man so but so funny hahaha. kids= special<3
This cute guy working at the kiosque next to us invite us over for a BBQ at his house with 14 musicians, whenever we passed around ( as tonight we already have plans.. :*( )
Got invited to a pot luck from a guy that bashu played music with 2 times now..a musician pot luck tonight...
but we also have John the drummer in Ventura that invited us to his show...

Decide to go nap ion the park with Bryce and Anna. brought our sleeping bag in the grass.. it's quiet it's sunny but coldish. it's great.wake up feel way better happier. more clear. roll and play with Anna and Bryce in the grass and meet back to the van. decide as Bashu really want to .. to go to the pot luck first and to stay just a little bit and to drive to the jazz show after..
Stay with Anna and we smoke weed before meeting back the guys at the pot luck.
haha fuck.. so funny. kinda high and it's so hard to find which house it is.. finally ask and found it.
super nice artistic spiritual house. beauty decoration..
we show up inside. uhho. kids around playing with instruments  people sitting around like in their  40's .. oups kinda awkward but finally they are super sweet and loved us. they are gypsies and musicians.
Fiona she is one of the owner of the house and she is amazing. she had travel the world by herself. and now going back to school in art. she is great had a lovely girl.and yeah.
great food. and more and more people show up and it became a big jam. super impressive like hand drums violin, accordion, guitar, ukulele, everything. maybe 15-20 persons all with their instrument. Gypsies music <3
So but so inspiring to see how complex and good the music is. can't wait to travel and get inspired by music from around the world. such a unique experience.

Fiona invited us to sleep at her place on the second floor... looks like an attic but renovate in a big room. full of mattress and treasure super magic =) all sleep up there.
such a good night.with my cousine..
a bit fucked still... because of my medication missing.. I feel dizzy and strange and up and down.
My body feel in need of drug.
Drive back to Ojai! for the Farmer's market!

Pine Spirit

Amazing drive.
Destination: Pine Spirit ( cob betty)
Show up there it's magic again. Beauty land. with lot of cute cob houses.
The plan : tomorrow we Cob for the first time! so excited we are going to fix a whole in the existing cob. kinda solidified it.

We had a great dinner with Betty ( super pretty woman so inspiring and natural used to teach how to cob and work with leather and jewelery) and Tantacho. ( His husband. Natif Indien.lots of experience and knowledge.). Levi, their son,.( seems like 23 but he is 17 turning 18 soon. really funny guy still a kid inside. mountain man.have a collections of music instrument.). Sam, their other son. ( beauty mountain man too. really respectful and polite.) and his friend Yosh.
10 dogs.( some annoying but some lovely)
Nathalie and Blend ( two lovely woman that are in charge of the garden. Nathalie love to bake and Blend was a bit sick <3)
Watch the most crazy amazing beauty breathe-taking sunset. in silence on top of a mountain with kinda the ocean at the horizon. feel like crying how much it's such a  special moment.
We have our own small cob house so pretty. with one big comfy bed and 2 cave with beds. and full of pillows aww... fire and go practice and talk in our little house with candles. had a good night.

Wake up at the beginning of the sunrise to go pee. wow. so amazing. it's so peaceful and silence. back to sleep.
a bit tired but so excited time to cob! So nice . love love love im in love with cobing.
It relays everything that makes sens to me together.
It's physical. artistic. creative.natural.brings people together while helping building a house.
after cook sauerkraut with Anna (our first time too. )
super easy and good for your belly.
eat all together +fire and play music around + laugh and talk. Levi reminds me of my brother <3
got in the kitchen with Anna she is painting. she is really talented and inspiring. I paint with her. for a while.
went to our little o=house in silence and make a fire in the wood oven. they guys show up <3
we had a great talk in front of the fire and went to bed..
for the best night ever! wow.
I woke up again to go pee in the middle of the night. wow. so amaze by the silence and the show of the stars bright. shining.
Woke up with the sun on my face.sleep late.
eat our brown rice...brrr and say bye :)
It was a perfect place. and we are welcome back anytime as long as we send a letter first. awww <3 thanks nature for being so feeding my life.
I would have stay much much longer but we have to go see a doctor and figure out my medication... I;ve been out since like 3 days now and it's getting hard. on my body. strange. fucked.
Stress about getting to the doctor and finding a good one that will accept to prescribe me the same drug without telling my insurance so they cover it.. if not its like 200$ to see a doctor.. + the cost of the medication..

Ojai for the week?!...

Cozy morning with Anna.
eat. shower in her crazy giant with herbs vapor shower.
yoga. feel sad. not sure why. a bit homesick? need time alone?... anyway breathe talk with family and feel better.
practice and go at the Bouddha Lounge in Oakview ( strange town with weird vibes)  right next to Ojai..
(Mike that we met at the campfire invite us to play before his band tonight and at their break..)
It's a cute resto-pub. again not much people but fun and a good first show experience. haha
got super excited with Anna.. found a beer and drink it.. after got free food and smoke a bit.
their band were really good :)

Farmer's market in Ojai. it's kinda big but not too big one. people are nice and the weather has just been amazing lately. I feel like I start singing for real. without being shy or carrying if it sounds bad. just doing it...
You gotta start somewhere in life . even if it means you will be bad at the beginning you will get better.
and being bad is better than not trying. that's what I've learn playing music.
Got a lot of free food at the end of the market and made a lot of $$$ =)
Saje is there. he is so good to us and really want to help everybody around.
After the market we walk around Anna wanna find a piano to play.. go to the art gallery there is one she played. I've write and went for an alone promenade.

Good to be alone sometimes. It's a day of Falls. Grey and nostalgic. love it.
play music and met Austin and his friends Josh and Tim ( all 3 of them traveling all music separately all beautiful.with great energy)
Go back to the art gallery for a free play... with Kate the girl we met At the campfire.
After big buffet with Wine hmmmmmmiam. hourra.
Got to bed and had a great talking. it's so fun all of us in the van before bed ahha I feel like slumber party every night haha. <3

Anna and I.
We decide to Detox our body!
we kinda feel not so good and Bryce had already done it.. it's from an amazing book that everyone should have: healing with whole food.
It's a purge. 3 weeks.
It cleans your intestine and your inside. removing the yest and sugar replacing by good bacterias
12h Soak in water raw brown rice. first thing in morning.
Nothing after for 3 hours. After you can eat everything. Except Sugar.
No sugar at all. 0. No coffee. Trying to avoid alcohol. lots of Sourcrawd. Miso. Oats yogurt. apple cider vinegar... fermented stuff.
Say bye to Kim. Going to the library and to the park to kinda organize our week as we had so many invitations.. by people we met that want us to come to their place.farms.studios.

got downtown.. it's the celebration of Martin Luther King... all decorate by kids wishes. colorful. stage with kids singing and older people. great. made a pic-nique while planing.
play music and go to the hot springs. ( stop by thrift store <3)
(I feel confuse today.. a bit sad again.. I think I really need an alone time at a stable place for a little bit..)
Go to Hot Springs. always so good.
Feel anti-social. Met Daniel. this funny Character that creates humandala... a kinda energy thing.. strange. it showed us in the hot spring.. great.
Played music with calimba.
Go to Janice and DAn place's. Old lovely couple. super accueillant.
stay in the van by myself for a bit. to be honest; crise d'angoisse.
Thanks to the guitar of Bryce that help me out and time..
Go inside we jam with them she play a bit of ukulele and he play a bit of mandalin. drink his homemade beer ( oups beginning of the purge and already drinking alcohol)
play handrum. its so fun I wanna start learning that.
cook a super late dinner and go to bed in the van. It's freezing.

Wake up.. go back to bed. wake up go back to bed. until 11 am
Bashu is gone.. Play with the dog. =) walk around. Stop in the middle of nowhere for some alone time and work out and lunch. had great discussion about my life. it was good. feel so close to them.
Chill at the library help and have a talk.
Decide to drive to Ventura tonight to be there tomorrow morning for the farmer's market.
Try to busk at the starbucks. but it's cold nobody. go the the Van (grocery store).

 Anna and Bryce make a salad and Bashu and I go busk. Got really frustrated with my Ukulele so hard to tune by ear. but with practice.. so it took me forever and I got it.. after 2 songs the security guy asks us to leave. buhu. in the same time Spoony and his wife get out the store and were like shout we would have love to hear you play. they start talking with us and invite us to jam with them they are going to a pot luck dinner at the Wave building ( kinda like the brewery in L.A. a co-op community of artist.) Deal!
Show up there 1h after at the 104... oups there is like 5 104 in the same place,., knock all around,.. haha awkward funny. finally got it :)

Looks like my parents having dinner with friends. sooooo good.
everybody is a bit drunk not spoony and his wife but haha. there is yummy food (  salmon.rice.bread.) and so mmuch alcohol... oups... drink red wine all night huhu =)
They start playing music sooo good. jazzy. he plays contra-basse and the drummer (a super friendly guy with a 5yold boy  wana play ukulele.he gave us some prints of a paint to sell to help us traveling !!)
dance. drink. talk. laugh. jam with them.with microphones. and speakers.

had a good connection with Tanya. talk about life and about how we are similar. in our way of being an artist in our way of thinking and seeing the world. Talk about her and her husband and their wedding and life and ways of seeing things. was great. Dan was great too her husband. Laugh with Lisa really drunk and strange in a good way woman <3 such a sweetheart. invite us for shower in the morning and dinner after the market !

wake up.
shower:) talk with Dan about traveling the world and my project of documentary on inspiring woman around the world. find it super about his life. how he love his job but he has other projects and his job take too much place in his life... I think it's never too late. encourage to change and do what he feel like.
Market. they dont want us to play.
find another kind trade market. play a bit. anna doesnt feel good. hangover. sleep.
after playing a bit I walk around by myself. super peacefully. Met this beauty girl that sells minerals and jewelery. talk with her about traveling. she gave me her name if I passed around and wana chill and she gave me a mineral to protect myself during my travel :)
Keep walking meeting funny character. found some great treasure. to give to people that help me latter on.
go back and give a treasure to the girl.

Lunch at Lisa and Geoff . really interesting. he share a lot of his point of view with us!
He is an artist and also for $$ he plays santa claus during holidays haha. he really looks like him.
Eat Oeuf a la Bette. I think I should start making a traveling.healthy cook book.
He explain how kids just ask for new things and sometimes he play with them and ask how about the last I gave you last year? Its broken? and the kid say yes and he answer well fix it!. anyways. talking about children and everybody just want and want and want more more and more and more...Never enought. They don't know empathy. Was a great lunch. really happy. say bye <3 While walking to the van Meet John, the drummer of last night. say bye. He invite us next Saturday to his show. for free! deal!

***** funny fact for French people. or people that knows boom desjardins. hahaha
at the pot luck this guy show up and he was exactly like boom. hahahaha like exactly. ben pareil man!
avec ses nouveaux ptit cheveux court aux epaules. pi le mieux. funniest part
I saw them in the morning he was biking around and at the trade market. hahaha boom en byciclette dans ma vie.


bONNE Fete ma cousine =) 20 ans!
Breakfest with them in Kim's grandiose cuisine.
Super peaceful and relax. great people. so happy.
go for visit around. play music for kids at "school".
after...We go visit the Ojai Foundation.

The most amazing peaceful place I've probably been. The beauty of the nature. the immensity of the mountains and the trees. the silence.the deja vu.the great energy inspiring.natural building. medicine circle.
we walk around all after noon. and I know I will be back here. no choice.
I need to pass some time here.
This place bring sense to life.

go back at Kim's place.
Prepare the fest for Anna =)
Brought her her favorite snacks ; almond.walnut.cranberry.dark chocolate.almond milk. while she paints.
We cook a big fest. decorate the table. bake cookies ( has her favorite thing ever =))
She was so happy. I was so happy. people were so happy !
We had a great dinner with wine . kinda ceremony.
End up in a cuddle paddle on the couch and A Hands dance party.
+ finish the dreamed day by a hot tub under the planetarium.
Unforgettable night. with interesting discussions and a lot of laugh.